New ideas for a safe and vibrant Sydney nightlife

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An app delivering real-time updates on entertainment options, extending public transport operating hours, activating public places with “pop-up” food and later opening of shops and cultural venues are among new ideas for boosting Sydney’s night-time economy.

Deputy Premier Troy Grant today released outcomes from the Sydney Night-Time Economy Roundtable in which  representatives of industry, community and government discussed ways to boost Sydney’s status as a global city with a safe and dynamic nightlife.

"I’m delighted these discussions have come up with some really innovative ideas for the Government’s consideration," Grant said.

"Many suggestions that came forward were out of the scope of the Callinan Review but are none the less worthy of consideration as part of the government’s mission to make Sydney’s nightlife safer and more vibrant.

"These ideas include more late-night public transport, clearer defined rights for live music venues in our planning system and a greater role for Arts and Cultural organisations to contribute to our night-time economy.

"All these issues will now be taken up and considered by the respective portfolio Ministers."

The three roundtable events, held between March and May, included representatives from hospitality, live music, the liquor industry, health, transport, police, local and state government, small business, planning and residents groups.

The roundtable’s report including its 25 proposed actions have been provided to the Callinan Review and are available at:

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